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Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Another long day at the office. Plus also, I feel like I might be getting sick. I'm wiped out completely (I almost fell asleep in a meeting at 11:00 this morning) and I took a nap when I got home from work this afternoon. I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open, and I've got gack and ick and scratchiness at the back of my throat. I'm about to dose myself with as much vitamin C as I can gag down and climb into bed for the night.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
These were waiting for me when I got home yesterday. All 3 of us redheads have a matching pair.

I'm in love.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
I am completely wiped out. I completely spaced and forgot that I needed a ride home from the airport. I had to call Bruce to come and get me. He took me to work, and I ended up riding the bus home. Which means that I left my suitcase in my cubicle overnight.

What a mess!



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)


168/365: Coldplay

168/365: Coldplay
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Las Vegas, Day 3

KA tonight hopefully.

Coldplay tomorrow night. I'm so excited.

I've been up since too early, and now I'm tired and going back to bed.

Happy Birthday Blair! And Bethie. And Sean.


166/365: up too late

166/365: up too late
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
WAY late, like as in early in the morning.

Can't sleep.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Vegas, Day 1


I'm tired and I'm not happy.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
I got a haircut today. The curls will be back shortly, but this is fun for a few days.


163.01/365 - Antijenx "Me 114.365"

Another tribute shot - Flickr for details.


163.02/365 - SarahMcL "Day 88"

Tribute shot. Click over to Flickr for details.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
We set up the inflatable water slide in the backyard today for the first time. We invited our friends and neighbors over, and the rest is history.

I've never actually been down it myself, as there are usually about 15 neighborhood children gang-tackling the thing the moment it's inflated. But today it was quiet, and I tried it for the first time. I rather unwisely decided that going down head-first was a good idea, and flew straight off the end and SPLAT onto the grass in my best Superman pose.

It's a good thing Ann was there to witness it or I would not have been properly embarrassed. And I've never been so glad that she didn't have a camera.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Saturday = lazy.

At least I took a shower. :o)



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Another long day. This project at work is either going to kill me or... nope, it's going to kill me. I tried to see it positive, but I just can't tonight.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
I rather like the curve of my neck in this one. I was just messing around, trying to figure out what to shoot today. This was basically a test shot, making sure the lighting was going to be ok. Go figure.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
For Flickr Group Roulette - Stick that tongue out.

I like FGR, but sometimes the groups are so odd. I guess there's something for everyone on Flickr, which is part of why I like it, but really? This one is just silly. It was also easy, which was attractive to me last night.

I got my hair colored (one of my boys called it "stained" today, which cracked me up) yesterday. She did some base color around my hairline in the front, then a cellophane on the rest. Once my scalp gives up all of the color stain I'll be happy, but I love it. I wanted a kick, not a big change, and that's exactly what I got. I love me some Lisa Power!


157/365: This place sucks

157/365: This place sucks
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
This is the laundry room. It sucks. It sucks so bad I need a tiara just to enter it. My washer and dryer are actually pretty cool, though the spin cycle on the washing machine sounds like a jet engine spinning up and shakes the entire house when it's working.

My feelings about the laundry are summed up nicely by the shirt:
Nudity. Nature's answer to laundry.



156/365: Hot Tub Party?

156/365: Hot Tub Party?
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
For Flickr Group Roulette and the Flickr Hot Tub Party

I really wasn't planning on playing today, but I came home and needed to shave my legs in the worst way. I was already wet, and in a towel, so I jumped in and ... here you go. It's not a hot tub, and though the rules of the group state "No Nudity", which I clearly adhered to, there's no provisions about having to be in an actual hot tub. So there.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Enjoying the sunshine and a squirt bottle this afternoon.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Happy 4th of July!

Zero effort on the SP today - just getting it out of the way so I can get on with my evening.



Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
Playing around with water in the driveway.

It's nowhere near dark enough for fireworks, but all I can hear outside are explosions right now. Premature? I think so.


151/365: for real?

151/365: for real?
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
I'm having a rather big hair day, don't you think? And I'm going to need botox for my birthday if I don't stop with the eyebrow raising already.

Just kidding. I wouldn't get botox. Faces without character are no fun. Which is not to say that I can't seriously admire some flawless skin. I'm just saying.


150/365: fancy shoes

150/365: fancy shoes
Originally uploaded by deb (remediva)
The countdown to Las Vegas begins: 15 days

So, I saw these shoes online, and thought to myself, "Self, those are really pretty cute. I think you need them for the Vegas trip. You don't have any real Vegas shoes. Get 'em!" So I got 'em. And I love 'em. (You can see other views of them in the stream). They are SILVER and shiny and the best thing about them is that they came with an extra pair of heel end-y things, so when the originals get trashed, I can replace them and keep on going.

I seriously need psychiatric help, I think.