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057/365: Ex Convict

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
It's the end of the month, so I'm showing off another t-shirt.

"wanna see a trick i learned in prison?"

Things at work were just as insane as I knew they were going to be today. I actually got quite a bit done, despite being distracted about 50 times for odd, random things. And not all of them were initiated by me! That's a bloody miracle.

P.S. When I first saw this shirt, I REALLY had to restrain myself from getting one for Sean. TeeHee.


056/365: Just the two of us

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
Too much to do, not enough time to do it in. That's the story of my life this weekend, and next week. I'll not be spending much time thinking about my self-portraits this week, so be forewarned about the impending sucktastic-ness.


055/365: I can hear you laughing with my one good ear

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I really do have 2 ears. Really.

This weekend began with a hissy-fit and has ended with me doing exactly what I swore I wasn't going to do in said hissy-fit. So much for progress.

I have a deadline crashing down on me at work this week, and my mom is visiting, which means that I get to feel guilty about not spending time with her because of work. I worked last night, and I'm taking a short break from work to post last night's photo and have dinner before going back to work.

I hate work right now.


054/365: Spring != Snow

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
It's supposed to be Spring, for crying out loud! What's up with this weather?

Yesterday when my mother arrived - after I'd informed her that it was going to rain the entire time she'll be here - the sun was shining and it was gorgeous. After giving me crap about how she packed for rain, we got up this morning to more rain, and while we were getting ready to go out for the day, she announced that it was snowing. It wasn't sticking to the ground until around 2:00, though.

Welcome to sunny Seattle, Mom.


053/365: Jesika, are you paying attention?

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
(This would make 5)

I don't know why my photos keep going to this place, maybe I'm thinking about sex too much. It's entirely possible, and also highly probable, given the interesting state of affairs in my head. I'll not say more, except that I'm enjoying this new space in my head on a lot of different levels.



052/365: almond flavored sugar scrub

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
So, I have this stuff called "the lip scrub" that I rarely use. It sits in my bathroom drawer, and I look at it every time I grab my toothbrush. I think to myself, "I should use that more often." Then I grab my toothbrush, close the drawer, and promptly forget it exists.

Talk about a complete waste of money.


051/365: OB-GYN-Kenobi

OK - maybe I've crossed the line. Sorry Mom.

It's just that the Girls Theme Week is Spring, and Spring means my annual trip to the OB/GYN. I figured that as long as I wasn't exposed, it could be more funny than disturbing.

How'd I do?


050/365: It's a hat if I say it's a hat

050/365 and 033/365 - 03.24.08
Originally uploaded by reme.diva
So, this is a combination of 3 projects. Obviously, it's my self-portrait, for which you came here today. Secondly, it's my One Object 365 Days entry, as Spike is on my head. Which brings us to the third project, Flickr Group Roulette, in which the denizens of the 365 Days project find a group to infiltrate. Today's group is called "That Is Not A Hat". I spotted the easy combo shot early in the day, and went for it when I got home. I think this is the fastest concept to camera to upload I've done yet.


049/365: I love his hands

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
No, this was not a surprise. It was me, lacking inspiration, near midnight, scrambling to get a photo. Some days are just like that.

That being said, I actually kind of like this one.



048/365: Rabbit Eve

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I have no idea what this was about, but there it is. I'm lacking inspiration as well as the desire to continue with this project. Sometimes it's more than I can handle, but I'm not giving up. The Girls Theme Week subject for this week is Spring. That's pretty broad, and the weather here is nothing like spring today. There was a little sun this afternoon, but it was grey and raining when I got up this morning. Spring, my ass.

Hopefully I'll find some inspiration someplace, otherwise my photos are going to turn into face shots in the car or something equally boring.


047/365: I've still got it, I guess?

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I had an interesting day at work, and an even more interesting evening.

I stayed downtown after work to have dinner with a friend and her new man, who I'd met for the first time at lunch yesterday. I liked him yesterday, and now I like him even more. The thing I like best about him is that he's made my friend VERY happy, and that makes him worth his weight plus mine in platinum.

After dinner, I spent a little while talking to a friend who was walking through Blockbuster Video. I was inspired to do the same on my way home this evening. To make a long story short, I got totally hit on by a guy who couldn't have been more than about 26 years old. He flirted with me around the store, then followed me outside (in a rather non-threatening way, actually) He was very sweet, and told me he liked redheads. He asked about my marital status, then asked if he could have my number. Needless to say I was shocked - and more than a little flattered, truth be told.

Like I said, an interesting day.


046/365: You'd think I like the bathroom or something...

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
For GTWL - Thursday: The Bathroom

I'm ending up doing a lot of prep work for these shots. Cleaning off the bathroom counter was a project - it was a total disaster area.

Work sucks. I've had a headache off and on since Tuesday morning when I woke up. This evening has been pretty good, though as I type this it's coming back again. So, I'm off to drug myself into a near coma and hope that the headache that won't end will be chemically beaten into submission.



045/365: like looking in the mirror

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
We had a little fun last night, can you tell?

It's funny how people always tell me that Kierstin looks so much like me - I don't see it at all. She's built like Paul, all long and lanky. Same flat feet. She definitely favors him in her quirky personality traits, and that whole AR thing most definitely does NOT come from me. I think it's the hair that throws people off. They see the red and the curls, and that's as far as it goes.

There's a really cute picture of Kierstin in my photostream right here. I think it speaks volumes about her personality.


044/365: In Bed

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
For Girls Theme Week - day 2 - The Bedroom.

I do a lot of things in my bedroom, including work, but the majority of my time in the bedroom is spent in the bed. Trust me when I tell you that this is NOT as much fun as it may sound. Our mattress is about 13 years old, and is dire need of replacement, but it seems to be one of those things we are just never willing to spend the money on. We've agreed more than once that it's a really good idea to replace it, and I even got Paul to agree to replace it, but we never have.


043/365: Girls Theme Week LIVE!

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
So, I'm participating in a new group called "Girls Theme Week Live". No clue what the 'Live' part plays in it, but basically someone decides on a theme for the week, and you run with it for inspiration. I've needed some inspiration lately, so I'm running with it. Some of the alternates are kind of fun - check them out too. (click the photo there >>)

Generally speaking, I don't do the kitchen. I married a man who fancies himself a chef, so I don't have to try very hard in the cooking department. He's a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of cook, and he never writes anything down, despite my efforts to the contrary. Every once in a while he'll do something really spectacular, and when I remind him to write down what it was so he can duplicate it, he doesn't. Bastard.

As far as the dishes are concerned, I had children so I wouldn't have to do them any more. There's nothing that pleases me more than reminding my kids that it's THEIR job to do the dishes, each one every-other week. Of course, I still help sometimes, but that's OK because it's not. my. job.

The sign says:
"I have a kitchen because it came with the house"
It was a gift from my mother, who knows how completely true and correct that statement is.


042/365: and today makes 4

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
Equally blah today.

Nothing of note to report on, except that I guess this makes 4 times you've seen my boobs on the internet now, Jes. Thanks for counting.


041/365: Let the snoozefest begin!

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
This is a sucktastic photo. It's all I've got today.

I ended up at work all day - softball tournament cancelled.



040/365: FUTAB Friday

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
Working from home is fun. Especially when you spend your lunch break taking photos with your children. You should try it sometime.


039/365: further bathroom adventures

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
This morning, I spent an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom - taking pictures. I was more than an hour late for work because of it. And I actually came away with more than one shot that I really liked - I had to get outside opinions in order to finally settle on my favorite for today. I also liked this one and this one.

I'm starting to feel a little more creative when it comes time to take my self-portrait, especially in the last day or two. Most of the time I just grab the point-and-shoot and... point and shoot. But I find myself more willing to invest a little time and set things up. I'm sure it won't happen every day - hell, I can't afford to spend that kind of time every day, not without getting up early. And we all know how likely that is to happen on a regular basis, right??


037/365: Lock & Load

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
This is just one of the many toys that live on my desk. Along with these few cows, I have an additional tub of about 70 more with which to annoy my office-mates. I also have a pirate launcher.

It's fun to work with me!


036/365: On The Ball

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I set up the new studio equipment last night, and messed around shooting the girls for a while. I got some decent pictures, but I realized that as much fun as it is to have all of this stuff, I REALLY don't know what the fuck I'm doing with it. My learning curve is so atrociously huge that it makes me feel a little bit like I want to pack it all up and send it back. I won't, of course, but it's more than a little daunting.

Work is nuts - I'm so busy that I spend half the day worrying about how everything is going to get done by the end of April. That's less than 2 months. Holy shit. I should be working instead of taking pictures.


035/365: Down at Fraggle Rock...

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
This is what my hair looks like most mornings. I have to sleep with in up, otherwise I wake up about 10 different times with it in my mouth or up my nose, or wound around my fingers and getting pulled.

I think I look very much like a Fraggle with this hairdo.


034/365: Cakey McMakeupFace

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
holy crap!

I went to Nordstrom this morning for a Spring Trend Show (whatever?) and ended up letting some total stranger do my makeup. I always think this is going to be fun, and end up looking like I need a spatula to scrape the gunk off of my face.

I did like what he did to my eyes, but only just a little bit. The most confusing thing was that he put this taupe eyebrow pencil in my brows, and they look totally bizarre. They're dark enough to begin with, but whatever made him think that taupe was a good idea is beyond me.


033/365: It's loud in here.

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I'm looking at my WHITE hairs here, which have been screaming at me lately. The screaming is really loud.

So, this will be my last weekend of nothingness for a while. Madison starts softball tournament roulette next weekend, and things are going to be nutty until about July. I think that in May and June, there's a stretch where she has a tournament for 6 weekends straight. So, I'll be enjoying the quiet this weekend with a little melancholy.


032/365: Blah, Blech, and BOO!

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I waited entirely too long to even start taking photos today, and this is the result. I hated everything tonight, so this is as good as it gets for day 32.

Busy, busy, busy at work, and about to get busier by great leaps and bounds.



031/365: I love Nilla Wafers

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I had no DSL at home last night, so no post until today.

Kierstin started gymnastics again last night, and she was really nervous about going back. She made me promise to stay and watch the WHOLE hour she was there. When she got done, she was so excited, and even admitted to having been very silly for worrying bout it.

When Kierstin was done, we went and watched Madison at her pitching lesson. I have to say that I'm totally impressed with that kid. She's doing really well, and I decided right then and there that I can't catch for her any more - she scares me. I've never been interested in softball at all, and the fact that she's throwing the ball at 50mph is rather intimidating, to say the least.


030/365: A Month of ME

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I made it to one month!

I decided that since my very first 365 shot was in the rear-view mirror, that I'm going to do rear-views on the 4th of each month.




029/365: Funny Face

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
Some days are just like this... can't get a decent shot to save my life. Instead of fighting it, I just ran with it and picked the worst one I could find that didn't make me look too terribly fat.

Apparently, I can't make my eyes both cross completely into the center. I tried really hard, but that right one just won't go.

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028/365: yucky

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I've been in bed all day, feeling like crap. I hated posting this photo, but I couldn't even be bothered to try and get a decent shot - that's how crappy I feel today.


027/365: the best use I've come up with for my Hermes

Originally uploaded by reme.diva
I had a really hard time deciding which photo I liked best tonight. I usually have a favorite pretty much right off the bat, even though I often put up additional shots to try and pretend I have more usable material.

I got a massage this afternoon, then came home and washed my car. As I was finishing, it started raining on me, and I practically froze my butt off (if only). Paul laughed at me, but it wasn't about that. My car has been so filthy since the last time it snowed, and the quickie car wash at the Chevron station doesn't get all of the salt and road grime off. Anyway, it's clean now, and I'm happy. When I was washing the roof, though, I found a couple of spots where there's what looks to be rust - and that is not good.

Kierstin has a friend over to spend the night this evening, and all 3 girls are currently watching a movie. Quietly. Together. Will wonders never cease?

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